Gatewave Volunteer Form

Gatewave Volunteer Form

Please note: We can only accept broadcasters who have their own home recording facilities, thanks.
Please fill in the following information:


When is the best time to reach you by phone?


Gatewave needs volunteer help in several organizational areas. If you are interested in volunteering in areas other than broadcast reading, please check the applicable box.
Please check Yes or No on each area below:

Administrative - Clerical, telephone assistance, data entry, mailings
Fund-raising - Research grant prospects, visit businesses to solicit support, organize events, staff booths at fund-raising events.
Do you have grant-writing experience?
Programming - Prepare print materials for broadcast, pre-recorded materials for broadcast as per studio instructions.
Marketing - Telephone survey listeners, arrange publicity for and assist at special events.
Ambassador - Speak to the public on behalf of Gatewave. Audiences may include small groups of potential listeners at care facilities, expo and convention attendees, civic organizations, individual health care providers, and others.
Technical - Control room board operator, electronic equipment repair, radio repair, audio production and editing.
Radio Theater - Act in or direct Radio Theater productions.
Event Planning – Assist with set-up, break-down, ticketing, etc.
Do you have event planning experience?

WHICH ARE YOUR IDEAL SHIFTS? (If you will be recording from home, please indicate when you will be able to complete your recording every week. This will allow us to determine what publication should be assigned to you as well as when it will air on our schedule.) 


Please supply two references below with name & contact info.

I, the undersigned, in consideration of the opportunity afforded to me to volunteer my time to Gatewave, hereby agree to the following:

  1. I will perform my volunteer duties in compliance with the standards and specifications established by the management of Gatewave.
  2. I will relinquish my volunteer duties and status should it be determined by Gatewave management that my services do not meet the needs of the organization.
  3. I understand that being accepted and assigned as a Gatewave volunteer does not confer employee status.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Gatewave.

You will be contacted no later than 2 weeks from submission of the application.